Thursday, May 29, 2014

Overcoming Obstacles: Advice from Nikou Mohajerani

As the head of a thriving company, Nikou Mohajerani is no stranger to obstacles. As with any CEO, she’s experienced many highs and lows, and as a result she has developed some effective methods for overcoming the worst of the challenges she faces. She shares her advice here.

“Within two weeks of opening my first office, I lost most of my team,” she explains. “I had to wear all of the hats and rebuild from scratch, working 12-16 hour days.” The experience taught Nikou to never lose sight of the bigger goal. By keeping her eye on the ultimate prize, she was able to put together a stronger team that continues to serve her well today. Plus, her determination has led her to the success for which she is now known.
Yet Nikou has also experienced loss in her personal life, and as she quickly discovered, personal setbacks can make it incredibly challenging to balance the needs of home life with work life. Shortly after graduating high school, Nikou’s father passed away after his fight with cancer, causing a tremendous sense of loss. “I couldn’t sleep, couldn't eat.”

Her solution has been to cultivate balance in everything she does. She accomplishes this by asking herself each day whether she’s happy and making positive changes when she is not. Nikou also has a policy to never compare herself to others. Instead, she celebrates every accomplishment, big or small, and congratulates herself when she exceeds her own best efforts.

What’s more, regardless of the hindrances Nikou has faced, she has never given up. “I have people counting on me to pull through and I can’t let them down. Tough times don't last, but tough people do. Challenges have made me an incredibly tough individual!”

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